I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll eat all these little piggies up….
You don’t need to be an expert baker, nor do you need any special decorating tools to make these cute Little Piggy Cupcakes. These cupcakes are super quick, simple and easy to make.
Things you need:
- Frosted Cupcakes (pink)
- Large marshmallows (pink)
- Chocolate chips (small)
- Icing gel (red or brown)
Each frosted pink cupcake will require 1 large marshmallow and two chocolate chips to create the little piggy design.
This is what you need to do:
Step 1: Cut the marshmallow in half. Put 1/2 aside. This is for the pig’s nose.
Step 2: Cut the other half marshmallow in half again to make the ears. Each ear is 1/4 of a marshmallow.
Step 3: Place the marshmallows on the frosted cupcake to make the pig’s ears and nose
Step 4: Place the chocolate chips to make eyes.
Step 5: Use icing gel to make two tiny dots on the pigs nose
Step 6: Hide the cupcakes in a brick box before the big bad wolf eats them all up!
A special thanks to our Featured Super Mom Stephanie for sharing her “Little Piggy” cupcake decorating tips and pictures with the SuperMommy readers.