Featured Super Mom Gayatri Punj Talwar

Featured Super Mom Gayatri Punj Talwar

“If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands” Milton Berle (Gayatri’s Favorite Mom Quote) Our featured Super Mom Gayatri Punj Talwar is originally from New Delhi, India but has lived in London, England for the majority of her...
Featured Super Mom Amy Ho

Featured Super Mom Amy Ho

“A mother is the heart of the family who feels the emotions of the family most keenly and makes the everyday decisions and actions that keep things running smoothly and forward moving.   A mother is someone who has learned to have great inner strength, patience,...
Featured Super Mom Stephanie

Featured Super Mom Stephanie

Our featured Super Mom Stephanie has two little girls; Isabella is 3 ½ years old and Emilia is 3 months old.  She is originally from Vienna, Austria and has made her home in Singapore for the last 6 years.  In her pre-mommy life she worked in the front office at...
Should the CEO of Yahoo Take Maternity Leave?

Should the CEO of Yahoo Take Maternity Leave?

 – SuperMommy’s Thoughts – As most of us know, Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo, recently announced that she is six months pregnant. Now people are criticizing her for commenting that she plans to work through her maternity leave. The critics feel that...
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