If your domestic helper / maid goes out of town for her home leave or a special trip, did you know that you can get a refund on your Singapore foreign worker levy? I learned this useful info a few months ago after and wanted to share the details with my SuperMommy readers.

If you helper is out of town for 7 or more consecutive days or on hospitalization leave issued by a Singapore hospital, you can claim the tax levy back from the Singapore Government. This is capped at 60 calendar days per year.  In addition to those two ways, you can also get your levy back if your helper does not return to Singapore after overseas leave, is under police custody or is housed at the embassy, or has passed away.

You must wait until the levy has actually been charged before you can apply to receive the tax back. You have up to 1 year to file for a waiver from the date of the levy.

Applying online is super easy (it only took me about 5 mins).

Before you get started, you will need the following information:

  • Your SingPass ID
  • Helper’s Work Permit Number
  • Helper’s FIN Number
  • The dates you are applying for the waiver
  • Any documents supporting your request

Here are the simple steps to apply:

(1)  Log onto the CPF website using your SingPass.

(2) After logging in, choose “Application for Waiver of Foreign Worker Levy (Domestic)“.

(3) You will now be on the Employer Log On screen. Since this is in regards to a domestic worker, you do not need to fill this in. Just click “submit”.

(4). On the next screen, scroll down and then click on “Application for Waiver of Foreign Worker Levy (Domestic)“.

(5) Enter the required information – Work Pass, FIN and the reason you are requesting a waiver. The reasons, along with the documents needed are clearly stated when you log-in.

(6) Attach any supporting documents

Please note: Although it states that you do not need to submit documents if your helper was on overseas leave or failed to return, I always like to add a copy of my helper’s flight itinerary just in case.

(7) Click on the submit button. Now you are finished!


After a few weeks, you will receive a letter via email letting you know if your request for a waiver has been approved. If it has been approved, the waived amount will be used to offset against your next levy bill. If you no longer need to pay levy, they will refund the amount to your bank account or send you a cheque. You can view the details of your waiver using “Check and Pay Foreign Worker Levy” , under “Adjustments” .

If you do not get approved, more documents may need to be submitted or you might need to contact MOM. For more information on levy matters, you can visit MOM’s website at www.mom.gov.sg.

If you are in the search for a new domestic helper or house maid, check out the SuperMommy article on “150+ Sample Interview Questions for Hiring a Domestic Helper, Maid or Nanny“.

For more information on domestic helper levy matters, please visit the Ministry of Manpower’s website at www.mom.gov.sg.

Hope this information helps you when you apply for your tax levy waiver! Let me know in the comments below if you have any other information to add on domestic helper / maid related topics.

