“A mother is the heart of the family who feels the emotions of the family most keenly and makes the everyday decisions and actions that keep things running smoothly and forward moving.   A mother is someone who has learned to have great inner strength, patience, understanding, and love.”  Super Mom Amy Ho

Our Featured Super Mom Amy Ho is originally from Northern California, but has been in Singapore now for the last 2 ½ years. Amy is the mother of two energetic little girls, Kelly (age 5) and Julianne (age 3).  The best part about being a mother for Amy is the unconditional love she receives from her kids – the hugs and kisses and smiles and laughs. She loves being able to see the world through the eyes of a child – slowing down to notice things like rainbows, butterflies, and details that we otherwise glance over in our otherwise hurried adult lives.

Prior to becoming a Super Mom, Amy worked in project management with an oil and gas company and as a strategic consultant for pharmaceutical and biotech companies.  Now in addition to being a full time mother Amy runs a small craft kit design company for kids – Pig & Ox.

Her philosophy isthat art and craft projects with kids should be simple, creative, and eye-opening.” She wanted her children to experience the joy and satisfaction of being the one to create their own “work of art.”  For Amy, there is nothing better than seeing her children at play using their imaginations and creating something beautiful out of something simple.

When Amy is not busy crafting or running after her daughters, she enjoys practicing yoga in order to keep her calm and centered, which she feels is extremely important in parenting.  In addition in her spare time her favorite workouts are pilates and swimming.  She also recently starting taking a painting class which she has been wanting to do for a long time.

As a busy mom, if Amy could have any super power, she would want the ability to clone herself to be in 2 places at once; or
maybe turn into an octopus so she can use all of her 8 arms to do things simultaneously; or maybe Jedi mind control to convince her kids they are tired and want to go to sleep at the end of the day. With so many powers to choose from it is hard to pick just one!

One piece of advice for pregnant moms from Amy is to “enjoy your free time now because your little ones will claim it all once they are born!  For all the new moms, she recommends reading the book “Everyday Blessings:  The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting”, by Jon Kabat-Zinn.  Additionally, after having kids, it is good to have help or some kind of childcare support because “you really can’t do it all by yourself all the time (if you want to stay sane) and having that support group of girlfriends can be a total life-saver time and time again.”

Thank you Amy for being such an amazing Super Mom!  Keep up the good work!

Check out Super Mom Amy’s “Flower Fun” kid’s craft idea.

 Click here to see the step by step pictures on how to make these beautiful flowers with your kids.
