Here is a super cute and easy heart shaped Valentine’s Day Card to make with your kids. You should already have all of the supplies at home. This is also a great project to do with elementary and preschool kids in class as a Valentine’s Day project. We just did this project with my son’s preschool class (ages 3-4). These heart shaped cards turned out really nice and it is something that parents can add to their kid’s scrapbook. It also makes a great gift for grandparents, aunts & uncles.

Things you will need:

  • Red or Pink Paint
  • Paint Brush
  • White Paper
  • Red or Pink Paper
  • Red or Pink Glitter
  • Scissors
  • Glue or Tape

How to Make These Heart Shaped Handprints:

Step 1: Keep the palms of the hands facing upwards.

  Step 2: Paint the first hand.

Step 3: Paint the other hand.

Step 4: Without touching the paper, carefully position the hands into a heart shape.

Step 5: Gently press the hands down on the paper and hold into position.

Step 6: Lift the hands off the paper.

Step 7: Sprinkle glitter all over the handprints.

Step 8: Shake off the excess glitter.

Step 9: Cut the handprints into a heart shape.

Step 10: Stick or glue the handprints onto a red piece of paper.

Step 11: Give this card to that “special” someone on Valentine’s Day!

Still need more Valentine’s Day craft ideas? You can also try making these super easy and creative 
Valentine’s Day Conversation Rock Paperweights with your kids. 

