The party’s over, cakes eaten, gifts are opened. Now what’s next? You are not finished. Proper etiquette requires “thank you” cards. Yes they are a pain, but until your kids are old enough to write their own, it is up to you. Your guests want...
Your friend is having another baby. You want to show her you care, so what’s next? The tradition is to have a baby shower for the first baby. For baby number 2, 3,4…. you want to throw a “Baby Sprinkle”. Sprinkles are usually less formal than an...
Keep Your Child From Running Amuck! Do you ever find yourself with an arm full of shopping bags? Or a baby on your hip? You get to your car, now what do you do next? Do you put the bags down? Which child do you strap in the car first? It doesn’t really matter, because...
It is a common known fact that breast milk is the best thing for your baby. But what you don’t hear is that breastfeeding is not as natural as it seems. Some of the lucky few may say that breastfeeding is easy, but just talk to the rest of the mothers out there and...
Did you know that there are many foods that you can eat that will actually boost your breastmilk supply? Based on my own challenges of low milk supply with my first child, I was determined not to make the same mistakes again. During my second pregnancy, I spent...
School is finally out! Time to pack those bags and have some “fun”. “Fun”…who are we kidding. Sometimes traveling with children is much more stressful than actually staying at home. Do not fret. Here are some travel tips to get you and your...