Tips For Attending A Live Theatre Production with Kids

Tips For Attending A Live Theatre Production with Kids

Before planning on attending a live show with your child, it is important to be prepared and know what you are doing, because attending a live kid’s production is much different than just going as an adult to the theatre. Since we rarely watch television in our...
“Naughty or Nice” Christmas Behavior Chart

“Naughty or Nice” Christmas Behavior Chart

He’s making a list and checking it twice…. well this year I decided to help out Santa with his “naughty or nice” list by making my own chart at home! We all know that even if our kids (especially the young ones) are really bad all year long, we...
Questions to Ask Before Choosing A Pre-School / Primary School

Questions to Ask Before Choosing A Pre-School / Primary School

With so many pre-school and primary schools out there to choose from it is important to ask the right questions before deciding where to send your little one. Our children are the most important thing in most of our lives. As parents we must make sure that we make the...
Tips for Surviving Morning Sickness

Tips for Surviving Morning Sickness

Congratulations! You just found out you are pregnant. If you are like the majority of woman, more than likely you have started feeling the symptoms of morning sickness. Between the nausea and the fatigue, you just want to crawl into a hole and die. Trust me you are...
Bricks 4 Kidz – A Place to Learn, Build & Play

Bricks 4 Kidz – A Place to Learn, Build & Play

Bricks 4 Kidz is educational place where kids learn, build and play with LEGOS! Although this concept has been in the U.S.A. for many years, a Bricks 4 Kidz  recently opened in Singapore at the Valley Point Shopping Centre and in Turf City at the new Grandstand. Since...
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