We all know that it’s the thought that counts – especially when young kids are involved. In addition to the fancy gift, (yes, you [the husband] still needs to buy your wife [who carried your kids for 9 long months in her stomach] a nice [i.e. expensive)...
Secret Santa is so last year! When planning a Holiday Party this year, why not do something a little extraordinary by adding a “cookie exchange” to the festivities. Cookie exchange? What the heck is that? Traditionally, a cookie exchange happens during the holidays...
Are you tired of having frizzy dull hair? Is the Singapore humidity driving you crazy? SuperMommy has a solution for you. I am sure you have heard of the Brazilian Keratin straightening treatment but just haven’t had the time to check out for yourself – so here is all...
Are your kids terrorizing you? Are you pulling out your hair? Are you just plain fed up? Well then it’s time to plan a Mom’s Night Out!! Now that you know what you need to do, SuperMommy is here to help you plan it! A Mom’s Night Out (“MNO”) is...
Baby spit-up on your shirt, green peas in your unwashed hair, baggy mom jeans….does this sound familiar? I mean who are we trying to impress anyways? Enough already!!!! Just because we are Mommies doesn’t mean we have to look like a haggard mess....
Your friend is having another baby. You want to show her you care, so what’s next? The tradition is to have a baby shower for the first baby. For baby number 2, 3,4…. you want to throw a “Baby Sprinkle”. Sprinkles are usually less formal than an...