Now playing at Singapore’s Alliance Francaise Theatre until November 17, 2012, is the musical production “Ashputtel – The Story of Cinderella”, a story based on the 200 year-old Brother’s Grimm folktale. Ashputtel – The Story of Cinderella, follows the classic...
When I heard The Cat In The Hat play was coming to Singapore, I just had to purchase tickets for my son who owns at least 20+ Dr. Seuss books. Since we don’t watch much TV at our house, theatre productions are a great way to bring these books to life for him....
Are your kids terrorizing you? Are you pulling out your hair? Are you just plain fed up? Well then it’s time to plan a Mom’s Night Out!! Now that you know what you need to do, SuperMommy is here to help you plan it! A Mom’s Night Out (“MNO”) is...