For Zayden’s 8th Birthday we had an all out Military Style “Laser Tag” Camouflage party! You can check out all the awesome party highlights in this article: “Camouflage / Military” Themed Birthday Party Ideas.
For the party I designed many of my own party printables, including food labels, signs, goodie bag tags and more. By adding theme related printables can really take your party to the next level.
Please feel free to download and print out these printables for your own party. Included are the free party food tents/labels. I already did the work, so wanted to share with my SuperMommy Readers! xoxo
Directions for the Free Camouflage Military Printable Food Labels
(1) Right click on the food label and save the jpg to your computer.
(2) Open a new Word or other text document and “insert” the food label jpg onto the page. Size them according to your preference.
(3) Print in color either on normal paper or heavy cardstock.
(4) Optional: If you print these on normal paper, just glue them onto heavy paper (I use large index cards – cheap & easy).
(5) Cut out the food labels and fold into “tents” or attach to a long stick and place around the food table.
(6) Please help me out….
If you can, please before printing out these FREE Printables, take 10 seconds and click the red button to SUBSCRIBE to Zayden & Xavion’s NEW YouTube Kids channel: It would make my boys super happy that people are watching their channel!! Thank you in advance. 🙂
Camouflage / Military Style FREE Printable Food Labels
OREO Bombs
Guerilla Granola
Veggie Rockets
Wartime Worms
Dynomite Dippers
Spanish Tapas
Camouflage Pasta
Liquid Sarin Gas
Blank Food Labels
Bazooka Dog
Granola Rations
H2O & Hydration Water Bottle Labels
For the party I also made some Water Bottle labels – H2O & Hydration. Click here or on the image below to get the FREE Water Bottle label printables.
If you decide to use these printables, do email me a picture of your fabulous party ( and I can share it with the SuperMommy Readers! Good Luck Party Planning!
Can you post the food label for the fruit grenades please and thank you! I love these ideas for my son’s 5th birthday!