Hair Loss Causes & Solutions for Moms

Hair Loss Causes & Solutions for Moms

Recently I started experiencing hair loss. At first I didn’t think much of it, nor did I really notice. But after a few months, it became apparent that something was wrong. Woman start experiencing hair loss for a variety of reasons.  Here are some guidelines...
Bollywood Dance Yourself Back Into Shape!

Bollywood Dance Yourself Back Into Shape!

We have all heard about Zumba, but how many of us know about My Bollywood Studio? Bollywood dancing your way back into shape is the hottest new craze. The best part is that while you are working off those extra calories, you are also learning some hip, new Bollywood...
How to Lose Your Muffin Top!

How to Lose Your Muffin Top!

Wikipedia Definition: A Muffin-Top is a “pejorative slang term used to describe the phenomenon of overhanging fat when it spills over the waistline of pants or skirts in a manner that resembles the top of a muffin spilling over its paper casing.” Part 1:...