Kid’s really love the idea of decorating their own food, especially when there is a lot of sugary icing and fun toppings involved. A cupcake decorating table is always a hit with both boys and girls  – it’s an activity and a yummy treat all in one. Setting up a DIY Cupcake Decorating Activity at your child’s birthday party is really simple and easy. It takes very little planning and doesn’t cost that much money to do.  

Things You Need:

  • Pre-Baked Cupcakes
  • Icing
  • Cupcake toppers (sprinkles, marshmallows, colored balls, etc.)
  • Bowls
  • Plates

Super Note: Don’t fret if you are not a super baker. Just use a pre-packaged cake mix and some store bought icing (the kid’s won’t know the difference).

What You Need To Do:

(1) Set up a small table where party guests can decorate cupcakes. Try to decorate the table to make it look festive and inviting.

(2) Have one adult sit at the cupcake table and be in charge of the activity.

(3) Bake or buy at least 1 cupcake per guest to decorate and a few extras just in case.

(4) Have each kid decorate their cupcake using colored icing. You can either put the icing in bowls and have the kids spread it on the cupcake, or put the icing in icing bags and have them squeeze some on top. If the kids are really young, parents or the adult at the DIY station can help put icing on the cupcake.

(5) Arrange a variety of cupcake toppers to decorate the cupcakes.  Let the kids choose what they want on their cupcake. Your cupcake toppers can include,  colored sprinkles, colored balls, marshmallows, cookies, candies, chocolate chips – basically anything that is edible.

(6) Once the kid’s are finished decorating the cupcake, what comes next? Prior to the party “pre-decide” what you want to do with the DIY cupcake. Will the kids eat it at the party? If yes, then provide plates and napkins. Will the kids take it home as a treat? Then you will need to provide individual cupcake boxes and name tags.

Good luck & Happy Party Planning!
